create Slides

Provide KREATE with your key points, target audience, and desired style. Its AI engine then generates a well-structured presentation complete with compelling slides, relevant visuals, and clear messaging.

Regenerate Presentations

KREATE integrates seamlessly with your existing knowledge base and automatically updates FAQs as your product information evolves. No more worrying about outdated or inaccurate information.


Effortless Presentation Generation

Give topic, and we'll craft compelling content. Kreate helps you generate compelling presentations simply by providing a topic.

Flexible template options

Use your preferred template, theme or choose from our curated selection. Advance feature include layout recommendation.

Seamless file conversion

Convert existing presentations (PPTX) to PDF format for extracting text content for further use. Text extracted can be used for web page building, AI assistant building , FAQ Generation, Vector Databases and Search.

Build Vector DB

Create full document or summary embeddings and put it into Vector DB. The vector databases allow building search, AI assistant and recommendation features.

Content Refresh

Breathe new life into your presentations by quickly regenerating slides with updated content. Keep your presentations fresh and up-to-date with Kreate's quick and easy content regeneration feature.

Intranet portal and Websites

Transform your presentations into HTML web pages for wider reach. Use presenations to create intranet portal and internset website and engage more audience.

AB Experiment

Ladder of Content

Build Ladder of content and tie them together for user experience, organization, discovery and SEO. Ladder of Content include Presentations/PPT, images and text pages to connect related presentations and information seamlessly.


Detail Audit Trail

Maintain a comprehensive record of all changes made to your presentations. Track all changes made to your presentations with Kreate's detailed audit trail for complete transparency.


Buy Pre Built Capabilities

  • Generate Websites
  • Generate Presentations
  • Generate FAQ
  • Build AI Assistants
  • Build RAG for Search and AI Assistants
  • Conversation History and Logging
  • AB Experiment - Website, Chatbots
  • Fractional Chief Data Science

    Startup and enterprise who wish to build their own AI Asssitant, Generation tool can hire expertise to build

  • Conversation Agent Experise
  • LLM - OpenAI, Gemin, HuggingFace
  • Vector DB and RAG
  • FienTuning LLM
  • Cloud - AWS, GCP,Azure
  • Customization Team

    Choose a partner with deep experience in delivering LLm based chatbot, Agents and Assistant

    Hire experts who have built website generation, slides geenration, kreatebots Stock, Finance AI assitant, real estate AI Agent, chatbot for travel