Blockchain for transparency in LLM

Here's a breakdown of how blockchain's transparency and traceability can help ensure responsible AI development practices in training large language models (LLMs):


Visible Training Data: Blockchain can create a record of the data used to train the LLM. This allows participants to see what kind of information the model was exposed to, fostering trust and accountability. Imagine being able to see a list of sources used to train an LLM, similar to a bibliography in a research paper.

Process Monitoring: The training process itself can be tracked on the blockchain. This allows monitoring for potential biases or manipulation that might occur during training. Imagine being able to see each step the LLM took during training, like the adjustments made to its algorithms.


Identifying Biases: If a bias is detected in the LLM's outputs, blockchain can help trace the source of the bias back to the specific data or training step that caused it. This allows developers to address the issue and improve the model. Imagine being able to pinpoint a specific dataset or training step that led to a biased output, making it easier to fix the problem.

Responsible Development: Knowing the training history allows developers to demonstrate responsible AI practices. They can show that the LLM was trained on a diverse and unbiased dataset using ethical methods. This can be crucial for building trust and ensuring the model is used fairly.

Overall, blockchain's transparency and traceability act like a window into the LLM's development process. This allows for course correction, promotes responsible AI development, and helps mitigate the risk of biased or unfair AI models.