Dataknobs Customers

Large Enterprise

Innovative Startup

Small Businesses

FromIndustry Titans to emerging distruptors We spark innovation, from established players to agile newcomers. We power growth with customizable SaaS solutions and configurale solutions.

AI Assistants

Helped Fintech build innovative AI powered Assistants for answering finance questions. AI Assitants use custom dataset and advance reasoning to answer complex question and build detail financial reports.

Data Product using AI

Build Dataproduct that combines multiple raw and granualer signal to higher level concept. Used Advance machine learning and statistical model to built Data Signals that operations and finance team can use.

AI Assistant - Stocks

Struggling to understand stock earnings calls? Our AI assistant, powered by cutting-edge language models, takes the hassle out of it. Get access to expertly crafted questions that target key investment due diligence points, plus clear answers – all readily available for your browsing. Want to dig deeper? Simply ask the assistant your specific questions and get tailored insights.

AI Twin

A factory in UAE used AI-Twin to predict failures & reduce downtime. With AI Twin recommendation factory were able to reduce failure rate by 12% and there is no infrastructure or development cost needed.

KREATE - SaaS Product

Many Small businesses use KREATE to power their websites, chatbot and AI Assistants.

Kreate Bots

Create chatbot and AI agents with ease. Focus on enriching knowledbease. Combine simple chatbot and AI agents according to complexity of tasks. Try using pre-built AI Agent templates with full code access.

Kreate Websites

Generate webpages,seo and E2E websites directly from google drive or github content. Create visualization and experience that win with users and win with search engine algorithms..

Customers and Use Cases

Created Content Ladder

Publisedh Blogs, Conference Website, Campaign Pages

KreateWebsites lets you build a series of interconnected content pages. Imagine a summary page with a slide gallery where each slide includes notes. Clicking a slide or widget opens a detailed view and links to a relevant page.

Built Dataproducts

Enabled large enterprise build data product for Data Center

The key to success for businesses lies in treating data as a product. This allows companies to leverage their data across various applications. However, designing data products requires a different approach compared to software products. Dataknobs' Kreate Kontrols and Knobs empower you to build effective data products.

GenAI Use Cases

Enable startup to built AI Assistant

Dataknobs has developed a range of Generative AI (GenAI) products, including KreateWebsites, KreateBots, EarningCall AI Assistant, and Financial Planning AI Assistant. Building these solutions requires expertise in GenAI, AI, engineering, cloud, and data. Leveraging this comprehensive skillset, we empower our clients to bring their GenAI use cases to life, from initial concept to full production.

Built Travel Website

Build Travel WebsiteÁ blogs using GenAI

Dataknobs leverages OpenAI and Gemini to power innovative travel websites and blogs. These integrations enable us to automatically generate fresh content and create new pages, streamlining the content creation process.

Added Lineage For GenAI

Data Lineage and Extensibility

Data lineage in a CMS tracks content's journey (creation, edits, publication) like a lifecycle map.
GenAI add challenges to data lineage as content is generated as well human edited. Dataknobs has built lineage for GenAI.Dataknobs can provide pre-built capabilities or built lineage for GenAI in your customer product/solution.

Develop data products with KREATE and AB Experiment

Develop data products and check user response thru experiment

As per HBR " Data product require validation of both 1. whether algorithm work 2. whether user like it". Builders of data product need to balance between investing in data-building and experimenting. Our product KREATE focus on building dataset and apps , ABExperiment focus on ab testing. both are designed to meet data product development lifecycle

Innovate with experiments

Experiment faster and cheaper with knobs

In complex problems you have to run hundreds of experiments. Plurality of method require in machine learning is extremely high. With Dataknobs approach, you can experiment thru knobs.

Why knobs matter

Knobs are levers using which you manage output

See Drivetrain appproach for building data product, AI product. It has 4 steps and levers are key to success. Knobs are abstract mechanism on input that you can control.


Generative AI slides

  • Learn generative AI - applications, LLM, architecture
  • See best practices for prompt engineering
  • Evaluate whether you should use out of box foundation model, fne tune or use in-context learning
  • Most important - be aware of concerns, issues, challenges, risk of genAI and LLM
  • See vendor comparison - Azure, OpenAI, GCP, Bard, Anthropic. Review framework for cost computation for LLM

    Our product KREATE can generate web design. Web design that are built to convert

    Using KREATE you can publish marketing blog with ease. See KREATE in action

    Fractional CTO for generative AI and Data Products

    Startup and enterprise who wish to build their own data prodct can hire expertise to build Data product using generative AI

  • Generative AI expertise
  • Machine Learning expertise
  • Data product building expertise
  • Cloud - AWS, GCP,Azure