Example Feature of AI Assistant | Slides



Exploring the World of Chatbots

Chatbots have revolutionized the way businesses interact with their customers, providing a seamless and efficient communication channel. Let's delve into the various functionalities and capabilities of chatbots:

Chatbot Functionality Description
1. Guide User on Website Chatbots can guide users through a website, helping them navigate to specific pages or find relevant information quickly and easily.
2. Gather Information from User Chatbots are adept at collecting information from users, such as leads or details about a specific problem, to provide tailored assistance.
3. Serve User with Personalized Responses By analyzing user input, chatbots can offer personalized responses, enhancing the user experience and engagement.
4. Solve Problems Using User Input Chatbots utilize user-provided information to troubleshoot and solve problems by matching them with predefined guides and reasoning algorithms.
5. Help Complete Tasks for Users With the ability to remember prior context and maintain a memory of interactions, chatbots can assist users in completing tasks efficiently.
6. Provide Recommendations Chatbots can offer personalized recommendations based on user preferences and behavior, enhancing the overall user experience.
7. Conduct Surveys and Feedback Collection Chatbots can engage users in surveys and feedback collection processes, gathering valuable insights for businesses.


From the Slides blog

LLM Overview
LLM Overview

Imagine and Configure a LLM Chatbot

Create AI Assistants that can learn and adapat overtime, ensuring they stay relevaant. Start with our No code platform Kreatebot and customize it with finetuning options.


Next Gen Interfaces

Future-proof interfaces: Build unified web-chatbot experiences that anticipate user needs and offer effortless task completion.

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