RAG Overview Slides



RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation)

RAG, short for Retrieval Augmented Generation, is a cutting-edge natural language processing model that combines the capabilities of retrieval-based and generation-based models to enhance the quality of text generation tasks. Developed by the team at Facebook AI Research (FAIR), RAG has gained significant attention in the field of AI and NLP due to its ability to retrieve relevant information from large-scale knowledge sources and incorporate it into the generation process.


RAG leverages a retriever component to efficiently retrieve relevant passages from a knowledge source, such as a large text corpus or a knowledge graph. These retrieved passages are then used by the generator component to produce coherent and informative text outputs. By combining retrieval and generation techniques, RAG can generate more accurate and contextually relevant responses compared to traditional language models.

Advantages of RAG

RAG offers several advantages over conventional language models, including:

1. Enhanced Contextual Understanding RAG can access external knowledge sources to improve the contextual understanding of generated text.
2. Improved Information Retrieval The retriever component in RAG enables efficient retrieval of relevant information from large knowledge bases.
3. Better Response Generation RAG's generation component can utilize retrieved passages to generate more accurate and informative responses.


Some key terminology associated with RAG includes:

  • Retriever: The component responsible for retrieving relevant passages from knowledge sources.
  • Generator: The component that generates text based on the retrieved information.
  • Knowledge Source: The repository of information from which RAG retrieves relevant passages.

Building Blocks of RAG

The building blocks of RAG include:

  1. Retriever Component: Responsible for retrieving relevant passages.
  2. Generator Component: Utilizes retrieved information to generate text.
  3. Knowledge Source: The external repository of information.

Related Items

Some related topics and models in the field of NLP that are connected to RAG include:

  • Retrieval-Based Models: Models that rely on retrieving information from external sources.
  • Generation-Based Models: Models that generate text based on learned patterns.
  • Knowledge Graphs: Structured representations of knowledge used in information retrieval.


From the Slides blog


Futuristic interfaces

Future-proof interfaces: Build unified web-chatbot experiences that anticipate user needs and offer effortless task completion.

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