Generative AI 101 Slides

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Learn how software evolved from coding to data driven ML. Now genertive AI is even generating data and code. This will change product business model and also product management.

Foundational model and new product

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Foundations models are train on broad and generic data. One can use propriety data and use these models for specific tasks in specific domain e.g. finance, health New businesses can be built by training model on top of foundation model. Key is propriety data, domain knowledge and workflow.

Generative AI applications

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Many verticals are impacted because of progress in generative AI. This is just a start and more advance applications will evolve. Applications specific to propriety dataset for doing a narrow task will also evolve. More importantly generative AAI can solve cold start problem by generating dataset for model training.

Generative AI Applications and Finance

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Finance can benefit from applications that help investors, portfolio managers.

  • There is significant mount of text data and it need to be analyzed with numbers. One can generate summary from document, earnings calls.
  • Using generative AI one can convert natural language to queries that understand finance concept and it can provide assistance to portfolio managers.
  • Customer support, collections can use generative AI to understand customer complaint, intent and provide response and follow up for collection.
  • Significant amount of document processing is require to comprehend document, validate info and prepare memo for underwriting.
  • Generative AI can do this provided it is trained for specific tasks.

    Tech stack and Modeling Architecture

    Generative AI is based on "comprehend existing" data and determine trajectories data can take. It uses it for geenration

  • Diffusion architecture is suitable for generation
  • Transformer are suitable for language gentration in sequence