Build Data Products with AI and GenAI




Learn how to strategically define, design and build Data Products from scratch. Ensure responsible building of Data Products and leverage cutting edge AI, Generative AI, LLM and Engineering

Workshop and Key Outcomes

Dataknobs CWorkshop n Data Products will focus on
Data Products
GenAI, LLM and Multi Model LLMs
How GenAI and LLM enable building Data Products
How to experiment with Data Products
Data Product Governance - Lineage, security, controls and ethical use

Workshop Instructor

Prashant has build data products using GenAI

Prashant has worked un Technology companies and led AI iniatives for large bank. At present Prashant is Chief Data Science and Technology Officer for Dataknobs.

Key Outcomes from Workshop

Outcome 2 - Stages

Master key stages of Data Product Development

Data Product Life Cycle equps leaders like CIO, CDO, Chief AI Officer with a critical understanding of key stages involved in building data-as-products from concept to generating ROI.

Outcome 5 - Data Product Governance

Gain skills to add govenrance and guardrails

Learn how to effectively govern data products ensuring compliance, security and governance. Gain skills by going thru real world examples - how to add lineage in GenAI, add governance to AI to build compliant product.

Hands on Session - AI Assistant

Build a AI Assistant

In this session you will build an AI Assitant to answer questions and automatically geenrate FAQ.

Hands on Session - GenAI Content

Create Content and add lineage

In this session you will build anew content using GenAI. You will combine GenAI created and human created content and learn how to add lineage and controls.


Generative AI slides

  • Learn generative AI - applications, LLM, architecture
  • See best practices for prompt engineering
  • Evaluate whether you should use out of box foundation model, fne tune or use in-context learning
  • Most important - be aware of concerns, issues, challenges, risk of genAI and LLM
  • See vendor comparison - Azure, OpenAI, GCP, Bard, Anthropic. Review framework for cost computation for LLM

    Our product KREATE can generate web design. Web design that are built to convert

    Using KREATE you can publish marketing blog with ease. See KREATE in action

    Fractional CTO for generative AI and Data Products

    Startup and enterprise who wish to build their own data prodct can hire expertise to build Data product using generative AI

  • Generative AI expertise
  • Machine Learning expertise
  • Data product building expertise
  • Cloud - AWS, GCP,Azure