A/B Experimenting with conversational interfaces

AI Assitants


Data Product

Beyond the Split: diving into the deep end of conversational experimentation. Build better conversatons with dynamic experimentation.

AB Experiment

The playground for experimentation is vast - experiment with different LLM, different embedding provider, different ways to query vector DB.
Prompt enginering have many experiment and user try different tone, persona, design variation. br/>In addition test different visual design and see how user interact with website and chatbot.
Response design is another area to explore and determine whether user like detail, summary, graphs format.

Traditional A/B Testing

Harness the power of qualitative and quantitative data to drive the future of your Data Product. Run experiments, segment users, analyze results, and make data-driven decisions - all through A/B experiment tools or simply integrae with existing tools and dataset to use part of functionality needed.

Experiment with Chatbot and AI Assistants

Here are steps to evaluate different versions of chatbot and AI Assistants

AB Experiment Chatbot

Use Domain Knowledge

Build Catbot for your business

With Kreate bots, users can effortlessly create chatbots by adding their knowledge. With AbExperiment, admin can experiment with prompts, LLM APIS, user interface and other configurations.

AB Experiment - Chatbot Development

Build chatbot using Kreatebots and use integrated AB Experiment features. Or simply using ABExperiment with your own chatbot

Why Experiment with Chatbot

Types of Metrics for AB Experiment


Depending on tasks, use one ore more type of metrics.

Experiment with LLM

Access the power of multiple LLM providers with ease through Dataknobs. Our pre-built code and intuitive interface allow you to seamlessly switch between OpenAI, Gemini, Hugging Face, and more—tailoring your experience to your exact needs

Open AI

Unleash OpenAI's versatility: Craft creative content, automate tasks, search knowledge bases with reasoning, and refine models (including fine-tuning, datasets, and multi-model evaluation).


Unleash the power of Google's Gemini LLM to create intelligent search apps, engaging conversational agents, and personalized recommendation systems that anticipate user needs.
Partner with Dataknobs to unlock the full potential of Gemini. Our team specializes in fine-tuning, dataset preparation, and model evaluation, ensuring optimal performance for your unique projects.

Try Vector DBs

Try different vector DB options, play with different chunk size, experiment diferent retrieval strategies.

Experiment with Vector DBs

Try available options like Pinecone, Mongo DB Vector, Chroma DB, Lance DB, Milvus, Weaviate and others. Consider factors like scalability, query speed, accuracy, ease of use, and supported data types. Select the database that best suits your specific use case, hardware constraints, and performance requirements.

Play with RAG approaches

Try different search indexing methods to find the most efficient and accurate way to retrieve relevant context for your queries. Play with how you break down your retrieved content into chunks for feeding to the LLM. Experiment with different chunk sizes and overlapping strategies

Experiment with Prompt

Prompt Engineering, Prompt Template, Temperature Control, Fusion Methods, Persona for Assistant, Persona for users, effective evaluation are capabilties ab experiment has.

Prompt Refinement and Iteration

Try different prompting styles and information inclusion strategies.Let domain expert try different prompt, change temperature to balance creativity with factuality in the generated text. Test with user profile and see whether chatbot and assitant work well with all user profile. Create and manage collections of pre-defined prompts to guide conversations and elicit specific information. Facilitate adaptive responses based on user input and conversation context.

Evaluate withh Different User Profiles

Create user profile and evaluate results on different user profiles. Track metrics like task completion rate, time saved, time to completion, user satisfaction surveys, and error rates, segmented by user profile. Evaluate and fine tune AI assistant for your user base.

A/B Experiment - Website and Assitant

A/B testing set up, generation of differnt layout, user segmentation. Use pre built tools and notebooks for - Sample Size determination, running various statistical test e.g. Chi Squared Test, Two Sample T Test, Paired T-Test, Mann Whitney U Test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test etc.

Pre Built Tools

Unleash data-driven decision making with our A/B testing tools: choose our cloud-based solution "abexperiment". Run insightful A/B tests with ease! Customize the underlying code with integrate notebooks.

Pre Built Packages

Deploy our package on your servers for deeper customization. Optimize your website and AI Assitant with confidence. Deploy in your enviornment without the need for moving real data to cloud.

Benefits and Impact

Experiment with Promptt

Prompt Management UI

Define persona, context, different output length. By crafting specifc prompts, you can guide LLM powering the chatbot to generate responses that are relevant, aligned, natural and meet the requirements.

Experiment with different LLMS

Try and compare LLMs

You can use same prompt setting but compare different LLMs like OpenAI, Gemini, Claude, Llama or your cusom LLM. Compare and see the result to determine which LLM meet your requirement and is cost effective.

Experiment with Personalization

Add Personalization Attribute

To leverage personalziaton effectively, you need to experiment with different user attributes like demographics, past interactions, document uploaded, information shared etc. Include contextual information to determine what works best.

Try Different Vector DBs

Compate and Test Vector DBs

You can compare output from different vector DBs and determine which works. AB Experiment and KREATE provide consistent interface to use different vector DB. For same prompt determine what context is given by vector DB.

Experiment with Embeddings

Understand user intent better

Different embeddings encode text data in different ways. Some embeddings use context of word within sentence. Experimenting with embeddings allows you to determine approach that captures the nuances of user language e.g. slang, sarcasm, sentiment.

Test different chunk sizes

Balance context and efficiency

Chunk size is length of text segments LLM processes at a time. Large chunksize provide more context and help in getting informative responses. At same time it is expensive and slow. Smaler chiunk size are most efficent as they focus on relevant part of query.

Test Errors

Add robustness to outcomes

Simulate various scenarios by providing diverse inputs and configurations. Meticulously document the resulting responses and any errors encountered. Subsequently, develop effective workarounds and permanent fixes to address these identified issues.

Explainability for users

build Trust by giving insight

Develop mechanism for chatbot to develop its reasoning and decision making process. Once satisifed you can include in chatbot to build trust and help users understan chatbot limitations.


Pre Built Capabilities

  • Configure Front End
  • Pre Built Backend
  • LLM integration
  • Prompt Management UI
  • Admin UI to manage frontend, backend
  • Chat History
  • User Maangement
  • Prompt Templates
  • Logging
  • A/B Test Features
  • Fractional CTO for Bot Development

    Startup and enterprise who wish to build their own AI Asssitant can hire expertise to build

  • Conversation Agent Experise
  • LLM - OpenAI, Gemini
  • Vector DB and RAG
  • FienTuning LLM
  • Cloud - AWS, GCP,Azure
  • Customization Team

    Choose a partner with deep experience in delivering LLm based chatbot, Agents and Assistant

    Hire experts who have built kreatebots Stock, Finance AI assitant, real estate AI Agent, chatbot for travel