


Generative AI (GenAI) pushes the boundary by not just predicting, but creating entirely new content. Generative models learn from existing data to not only identify patterns, but also use those patterns to produce novel outputs.

Create Content

Human and AI collaboration in content creation is facilitated through federated buckets, a decentralized storage approach that enhances both security and efficiency. In this system, humans and AI work together to produce and refine content, leveraging the strengths of each—human creativity and judgment, and AI’s speed and analytical capabilities. Federated buckets ensure that the content is stored across multiple locations in the cloud, promoting data redundancy and resilience while enabling seamless access and synchronization. This method not only safeguards data but also supports scalable and distributed workflows, making it ideal for complex, collaborative projects.

Serve Knowledge

Content, including detailed summaries, is transformed into accessible knowledge from complex and hard-to-understand sources. Users can browse this enriched knowledge on websites and portals, making it easier to comprehend and utilize. Additionally, this knowledge is integrated into chatbots, allowing users to ask questions and receive clear, concise answers. This seamless access to simplified information empowers users to efficiently extract valuable insights and make informed decisions.

From the blog

GenAI intro slides
Content Lifecyle

Intro to GenAI and LLMl

The content lifecycle encompasses a series of stages from creation to impact. Content production involves the development of assets such as blog posts, slides, images videos, or infographics aligned with specific goals. Once created, content is added into CMS and disseminated through various channels for consumption by the target audience. Governance ensures content aligns with brand standards, legal requirements, and ethical guidelines. Finally, impact determination measures the content's performance against set objectives, providing valuable insights for future content strategies.

Prompt Engineering Slides
For Human AI and Governance

Prompt Management and Prompt Engineering

Dataknobs Product Kreate is a cutting-edge platform that fosters a collaborative environment for humans and AI to co-create content. It empowers users to seamlessly browse and query information, while ensuring robust governance and sustainable content storage. By minimizing energy consumption and server usage, Kreate promotes eco-friendly practices. Additionally, the platform facilitates experimentation, enabling users to explore different content formats and experiences to uncover audience preferences and optimize engagement.

RAG Slides
Kreate Platform Capabilities

Content SEO CMS Website and Chatbot

KREATE is a comprehensive platform that empowers users to effortlessly create and manage digital content. With its intuitive interface, users can generate engaging content, optimize it for search engines with built-in SEO tools, and efficiently organize their assets through a robust CMS. The platform's AI Agent website builder allows website creation of professional-looking online presences without the need for coding expertise. In addition AI agent keep website upto as new content arrives Additionally, KREATE's AI assistant provides intelligent support throughout the content creation process, from ideation to publication. Customer can build AI assistant on their content to serve their customers too.

Evaluation Criteria Slides for GenAI
Content Creation

Evaluation Criteria and Metrics

KREATE is a powerful tool that streamlines content creation and deployment. Users can effortlessly generate a variety of assets including text, images, and slides, which can then be transformed into SEO-optimized webpages. The platform's AI agent automates the deployment process, ensuring content reaches the target audience efficiently.

LLM Comparision Slide and Tutorial
Content Consumption

Criteria to compare LLMs

Kreate tools assist users in generating and creating content, offering AI capabilities to produce new data such as summaries and analyses, thereby creating new knowledge for user consumption. This new knowledge is accessible through KreateWebsites, where users can explore it, and KreateBots, where users can ask further questions.

GenAI Foundation Model Slide and Tutorial

Foundation Model

Dataknobs' "knobs" serve as adjustable levers that significantly impact outcomes by allowing users to fine-tune various parameters. These knobs enable experimentation, helping users determine what works best in different scenarios through systematic trials and adjustments. Additionally, they play a crucial role in diagnostics, aiding in the identification and resolution of issues by providing insights into the effects of different settings and configurations on overall performance and results

GenAI Life Challenges Slide and Tutorial

Guardrails, Lineage, Sustainability, Audit Explainability

Dataknobs' Kontrols offer comprehensive capabilities to ensure the responsible and effective use of technology. First, they function as guardrails, enforcing compliance with regulations and standards to maintain adherence to legal and ethical guidelines. Second, they provide lineage, offering transparent tracking of data origins, transformations, and movements, thereby enhancing traceability and accountability. Third, Kontrols ensure the sustainable use of technology by promoting practices that reduce resource consumption and environmental impact. Lastly, they support auditing and explaining how data is produced and used, offering detailed insights into data processes and usage, which aids in verifying integrity, identifying anomalies, and enhancing overall data governance.