
Build AI Assistant, Agent or Chatbot

Customer Support

Financial Research


Crafting Conversational Experiences that Reach for the Stars , Without Breaking the Bank. Kreatebot orchestrate aharmonious symphony of LLMs and smaller, nimble language models, striking the perfect balance between conversational intelligence and cost-effectiveness

KreateBots - Simple Chatbot

  • Pre-built Front End: Configurable interface. .
  • Admin UI: Centralized control panel for managing chatbot settings and behavior.
  • Prompt Management: Tools to create, edit, and manage prompts
  • Feedback Collection: Mechanism for users to provide feedback .
  • Q&A UI: Interface designed for question and answer interactions with users.
  • Personalization: Ability to collect user attributes a
  • Built in chat history a
  • KreateBots with RAG

  • Include Standard Chatbot Features
  • Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
  • Utilizes LLMs to provide reasoning and detailed answers.

  • ● FAQ Generation: Automatically generates FAQ
    ● Vector Database Setup- Embeding, VectorDB, API to get info.
    ● Supports embedding of company data for improved information retrieval.

    Pre Built Templates

    Offer a diverse library of templates covering various industries and use cases (e.g., customer support, lead generation, FAQs, product demos).Allow customization of templates to match brand identity and specific requirements

    Knowledgebase Integration

    Seamless connection to existing knowledge bases (e.g., FAQs, documentation, support articles). Enable chatbots to retrieve relevant information and provide accurate answers to user queries.

    Built in Features

    See our library of AI chat bot, AI assistant and AI agents - Finance, Real Estate, Travel, Health, Movies, Sports.

    Prompt Template Management

    Create and manage collections of pre-defined prompts to guide conversations and elicit specific information. Facilitate adaptive responses based on user input and conversation context.

    User Feedback Collection

    Track chatbot performance and user interactions. Generate insights to optimize conversational flows and improve user engagement.

    Vector DBs

    Create embeddings from text, images and audio to capture data. Add Meta Data, query re

    Managed Vector DB

    Create embedding, upsert into vector DB and start querying . Managed vector db has no upfront cost, allow start up to experiment and there is no need to worry about infastructure management.

    Open Source Vector DB

    Enable set up of vector DBs. Great for scenarios where data need to stay within enterprise. Fixed cost and there is no per query charge. Customer only pay for infrastructure.

    Technology Stack

    Create embeddings from text, images and audio to capture data. Add Meta Data, query re

    Front end

    Kreatebot front end offers seemless integration and flexible deployment options. It leverges standard technologies like React, Next.js. Customer can use SaaS options or seemlessly deployinto their environment in any cloud provider or on-prem.


    Kreatebots backend seemlessly integrate into any cloud provider like GCP,Azure, AWS or with on-prem infra. Kreatebot backedn is built on standard technologies e.g. Node.js, Python, MongoDB etc and offer unparalleled flexibility and adapatbility.

    LLM integration

    Kreatebot has pre-built code to use OpenAI, Gemini, Hugging Face etc. Our interface and configuration let you choose LLM provider. Customer can also compare responses from different LLM provider

    Open AI

    Use Open AI for creativity e.g. content, webdesign or website creation. Use OpenAI for automation and use function calling. Use Open AI for search, reasoning within knowledgebase.
    Advance capabilities including finetuning, preparing datsets for fine tuning and evaluation of multiple models.


    Gemini is Google LLM. Use Geminie for building Search app, Conversational Agent and Recommendation Agent.
    Our team can also fuine tune Geminie, prepare dataset for Gemini and evaluate and compare multiplegemini models or do Gemini vs OpenAI comparisions.

    Kreate Bots

    Kreate Bots

    Setup Instructions

    Build Chatbots and AI Assistants

    Create Chatbot

    Admin create AI Assistants on url provided.
    Add field e.g. Assistant ID, Assistant Name and other optional field related to your business.
    Fill configuration details for look and feel e.g. Logo, BotName, Meta Title, Meta Description of yourr bot

    Set up Knowledgebase

    Upload PDF or point to buckets

    Upload PDFs or point to PDF with knowledge base
    Direcly use bucket where many subfolder contain PDF, text and Slides.

    Set up Personalization

    Define Personalization Attributes

    Define attributes you want to use for personalziation
    without writing any code Kreatebots will build app/workflow to collect attributes

    Define Prompts

    Prompt Management for Admin

    Using Admin interface write prompts. Use persona/tone you wish for your chatbot
    Include the personalization attributes you define above in prompt

    Built in Features

    Features in your chatbot

    Chatbot history, feedback collection, Logging, User Interface, Personalization Attributes are provided out of box.

    LLM Provider

    Open AI/Gemini

    You can select or changeLLM API provider - Open AI/Gemini. To select other provier simply paste API link in a box and chatbor will start using specified LLM

    Experiment with chatbot

    Give example input and verify

    You can experiment with chatbot by giving example input. Admin can change # of output token, temperature and other knobs into UI

    Add a RAG

    Add Vector DB and RAG

    With some change RAG system can be added into this chatbot. Select vector dB, embedding and provide corresponding code to implement GetConext, GetAnswer interface.
    Now chatbot/AI assistant will use RAG.


    Pre Built Capabilities

  • Capability deployed in production
  • Pre Built Agents with configurability
  • Ability to integrate with customer knowledgebase
  • Capability to get user feedback
  • Conversation History and Logging
  • Login functionality
  • User Management
  • Prompt Templates
  • Fractional CTO for Bots

    Startup and enterprise who wish to build their own AI Asssitant can hire expertise to build

  • Conversation Agent Experise
  • LLM - OpenAI, Gemini
  • Vector DB and RAG
  • FienTuning LLM
  • Cloud - AWS, GCP,Azure
  • Customization Team

    Choose a partner with deep experience in delivering LLm based chatbot, Agents and Assistant

    Hire experts who have built kreatebots Stock, Finance AI assitant, real estate AI Agent, chatbot for travel