Kreatebots to build simple to advance AI Assistants


Build your own custom AI assistant or leverage pre-built features with Dataknobs Kreatebots.

Kreatebots gives you the flexibility to choose your approach:

  • Build from scratch: Design your ideal AI assistant with complete control over features and functionalities.
  • Start with a foundation: Utilize Kreatebots' pre-built features and customize them to fit your specific needs.

Kreatebots empowers you to create AI assistants with the following capabilities:

  1. Connect to powerful AI models: Integrate with OpenAI or Gemini for advanced AI processing.
  2. Personalize the experience: Tailor the assistant to individual users for a more engaging interaction.
  3. Enhance information retrieval: Utilize vector databases and Rag techniques for efficient information access.
  4. Fine-tune existing models: Further refine a pre-trained model for optimal performance on your specific tasks.
  5. Integrate with external tools: Connect your assistant to Langchain or other frameworks for extended functionality.

Kreatebots also includes standard features to ensure a smooth user experience:

  • Content moderation: Maintain a safe and appropriate environment for interactions.
  • Prompt injection protection: Safeguard against malicious user input.
  • Conversation history: Track past interactions for improved context and personalization.
  • Feedback collection: Gather user feedback for continuous improvement.

Setup Instructions

Build Chatbots and AI Assistants

Create Chatbot

Admin create AI Assistants on url provided.
Add field e.g. Assistant ID, Assistant Name and other optional field related to your business.
Fill configuration details for look and feel e.g. Logo, BotName, Meta Title, Meta Description of yourr bot

Set up Knowledgebase

Upload PDF or point to buckets

Upload PDFs or point to PDF with knowledge base
Direcly use bucket where many subfolder contain PDF, text and Slides.


Generative AI slides

  • Learn generative AI - applications, LLM, architecture
  • See best practices for prompt engineering
  • Evaluate whether you should use out of box foundation model, fne tune or use in-context learning
  • Most important - be aware of concerns, issues, challenges, risk of genAI and LLM
  • See vendor comparison - Azure, OpenAI, GCP, Bard, Anthropic. Review framework for cost computation for LLM

  • Benefits    Features    Index - Copy    Kreatebots-to-build-ai-assist    Launch-with-kreatebots    Specifications    Support