Kreatewebsites: Blogging Platform - Create Blogs with ease from Slides & Images

AI-Powered Features for Next-Gen Blogging Platforms:

Slide-to-Blog Conversion

  • Take Power point, Google Slides or PDF and convert these into compleling blogs.
  • Show collection of slides on main page and generate detail page for each slide
  • Kreate Websites does this for you - create winning pages from slides.

Content Ladder

  • With KreateWebsites platform you can create ladder of conent that is inter linked e.g. summary or aggregate page with slide gallery with notes
  • On click of summary slide or widget, it open detail slide and show related page. From detail pages it will take user to more detail blog. this is good experience for user as well for search engine

SEO Features

  • Not only kreatewebsites generate ladder with inter connected link, it create SEO for each level of content.
  • Kreatewebsites create ladder of content and it create clean URLs, meta descriptions, and
  • KreateWebsites automatically create alt tag for each slide and give meaningul title, url

Automated Content Curation and Publishing:

  • Smart Content Integrate: Integrate with Google Drive, One Drive, Github or local drive. As users write text blog, save images or create slides Kreatewebsites blogging platform should pick and publish.
  • AI Summarization: You can use this tool to summarize curated content, generating blog posts with key points and insights e.g. Financial Earning Call, Detail Article.
  • Content Scheduling: Schedule the publication of blog at specific time e.g. 6 AM everyday or every hour and it will take content from your drive and keep publishing

AI-powered Image Selection:

  • Image Recognition: Use Kreatewebsites AI to analyze the content and automatically suggest relevant images from photo libraries you specify.
  • Style Matching: Match the suggested images to the overall tone and theme of the blog post for a cohesive aesthetic.
  • Emotional Targeting: Leverage AI to select images that evoke specific emotions relevant to the content, potentially boosting engagement.
  • Content Formatting: Analyze the extracted text and structure it into a well-formatted blog post with headings, subheadings, and bullet points.
  • Image Integration: Identify key visuals from the slides and integrate them seamlessly into the blog post for better understanding.
  • Additional AI Features:

    • SEO Optimization: Analyze content and suggest title variations, meta descriptions, and relevant keywords for improved search engine ranking.
    • Content Optimization: AI can identify areas for improvement in grammar, style, and clarity, making your content more reader-friendly.
    • Personalized Content Suggestions: Based on user preferences and content performance, AI can recommend topics and writing styles for future blog posts.

    Benefits of AI-powered Blogging:

    • Increased Efficiency: Saves time and effort by automating content curation, scheduling, and image selection.
    • Content Variety: Provides a steady stream of fresh content, even when time is limited.
    • Improved Quality: AI can assist with content optimization and suggest relevant keywords.
    • Enhanced Engagement: AI-powered features like emotional targeting in images can lead to a more engaging blog for readers.

    Reuse Articles Kreatewebsites allow to write small articles and then make articles-list from smaller articles. You can write new articles with some new content and also include smaller articles from previously written content. You just specify path of article and Kreatewebsites will include and create a super-article

    Blog-platform-ai    Eula    Firebase-websites-with-kreate    Kreatewebsites-features    Kreatewebsites-on-azure-marke    Launch-website-with-kreateweb    Migrate-from-wordpress-to-kre    Policy-refund    Publish-fresh-content-with-kr    Slides