Kreate Websites Features | Create Content Slides SEO and Pages

Kreate Websites: Advanced Content and Conversion

This document expands upon the original Kreate Websites specification, focusing on functionalities for advanced content creation and conversion into web pages.

1. Advanced Content Creation and Conversion

  • Raw Content Conversion:
    • Users can paste raw text content (e.g., blog posts, articles) directly into the platform.
    • Kreate Websites employs AI to analyze the content and automatically generates a formatted webpage with proper structure (headings, paragraphs, images - if specified).
  • Prompt-based Content Generation:
    • Users can provide text prompts for various content types (articles, blog posts, product descriptions).
    • Kreate Websites utilizes AI to generate unique and relevant content based on the prompts and user-specified parameters (tone, length, keywords).
    • Users can refine and edit the generated content before conversion into web pages.
  • Bulk Content Generation:
    • Users can upload CSV files containing multiple prompts for articles, images, or presentations.
    • Kreate Websites generates content for each prompt and creates separate web pages with unique content and visuals (if applicable).

2. Slide and Presentation Integration

  • Slide Upload and Conversion:
    • Users can upload existing presentation slides (e.g., PowerPoint, Google Slides) into Kreate Websites.
    • The platform extracts content and structure from the slides and automatically generates a webpage with corresponding text, images, and layouts.
  • Prompt-based Slide Generation:
    • Users can enter text prompts for presentation slides, specifying desired visuals and content.
    • Kreate Websites utilizes AI to create slides with relevant information and layout based on the prompts.

3. Advanced Website Creation

  • Multi-page Website Generation:
    • Users can create multi-page websites with linked navigation.
    • Kreate Websites generates navigation menus and internal links automatically based on page structure.
  • Pre-built Headers and Footers:
    • Offer a library of pre-designed header and footer templates for easy website consistency.
    • Allow users to customize header and footer content (logos, menus, contact information).
  • Content Testing and Optimization:
    • Integrate basic website testing tools to identify potential issues (broken links, mobile responsiveness) before publishing.
    • Offer suggestions for SEO improvements (optional).

4. Cloud Storage Integration

  • Google Drive/One Drive Integration:
    • Allow users to connect their Google Drive or OneDrive accounts for seamless image access.
    • Kreate Websites automatically imports images selected from cloud storage and integrates them into generated web pages.

5. Additional Considerations

  • Content Moderation:
    • Implement AI-powered content moderation to filter out potentially offensive or harmful content generated by prompts.
  • Style and Tone Control:
    • Allow users to specify desired writing styles and tones for generated content (e.g., formal, informal, humorous).
  • Image Customization:
    • Offer basic image editing tools (cropping, resizing) within the platform after importing from cloud storage.

6. Security

  • Implement robust security measures to protect user data, content, and generated websites.
  • Ensure secure connections for cloud storage integration.

7. Future Considerations

  • Integrate with popular design tools for advanced image editing capabilities within the platform.
  • Develop AI-powered content personalization features to tailor generated websites for specific audiences.
  • Provide advanced SEO optimization tools and analytics dashboards.


Kreate Websites

Generate websites and visualization

Get a website that's not just visually stunning, but also strategically optimized for search engines and conversions. No more design roadblocks – the AI handles the heavy lifting, freeing you to focus on your core strengths.

User Bliss

Beyong buzzword, delight users

Forget generic SEO tactics. Kreatewebsite understands that a great website bridges the gap between search engines and your audience's desires. Every element is crafted to drive meaningful connections.

Kreate Data Products

Website is your Data Product.

Ditch the stagnant website rut. Kreatewebsite's AI lets you refresh your content daily, keeping your message vibrant and engaging without the technical burdens of a traditional dynamic site. Focus on building data.

Freshness Factor

Daily updates without the static site blues:

Ditch the stagnant website rut. Kreatewebsite's AI lets you refresh your content daily, keeping your message vibrant and engaging without the technical burdens of a traditional dynamic site.

SEO and Content connection

SEO that sparkles, content that captivates

Craft captivating content that search engines crave and users connect with. Kreatewebsite isn't just about initial ranking, it's about ongoing engagement and conversion

Be an Artist

Content is king, AI is the artist

Simply upload your text, images, and videos. The AI design engine works its magic, crafting a visually stunning and user-friendly website that reflects your brand and resonates with your audience.

No need to drag-drop

Ditch the drag-and-drop drudgery

Elevate your online presence beyond basic website builders. Embrace the power of generative AI, a futuristic approach that breathes life into your vision

Use existing Content without drag drop

Transform existing content into web wonders

Don't start from scratch! Breathe new life into your presentations, PDFs, and even LinkedIn pages. Kreatewebsite seamlessly converts them into interactive webpages


Pre Built Capabilities

  • Capability deployed in production
  • Choose AI-powered design.
  • Use pre built template and refine with your promot instructions.
  • Generate website from slides, pdf and linkedin pages etc
  • Upload content and let AI do the design magic.
  • Unleash the power of generative AI for unique websites.
  • Rank high, resonate deep: Craft content that search engines love and users adore.
  • User-centric SEO: We build bridges between search engines and user desires.
  • Dynamic content that refresh daily at the cost of static site.
  • Leverage pre-built templates or create your own unique designs.
  • Fractional CTO

    Startup and enterprise who wish to build their own Website generator, AI Asssitant can hire expertise to build

  • Conversation Agent Experise
  • LLM - OpenAI, Gemini
  • Vector DB and RAG
  • FienTuning LLM
  • Cloud - AWS, GCP,Azure
  • Customization Team

    Choose a partner with deep experience in delivering website, LLm based chatbot and A/B Testingt

    Hire experts who have built kreatebots Stock, Finance AI assitant, real estate AI Agent, chatbot for travel

    Blog 10

    From the blog

    Build Dataproducts

    How Dataknobs help in building data products

    Enterprises are most successful when they treat data like a product. It enable to use data in multiple use cases. However data product should be designed differently compared to software product.

    Be Data Centric and well governed

    Generative AI is one of approach to build data product

    Generative AI has enabled many transformative scenarios. We combine generative AI, AI, automation, web scraping, ingesting dataset to build new data products. We have expertise in generative AI, but for business benefit we define our goal to build data product in data centric manner.


    Generative AI slides

  • Unlock the Power of Language: Master Large Language Models with This Hands-On Guide
  • See best practices for prompt engineering
  • Evaluate whether you should use out of box foundation model, fne tune or use in-context learning
  • Most important - be aware of concerns, issues, challenges, risk of genAI and LLM
  • See vendor comparison - Azure, OpenAI, GCP, Bard, Anthropic. Review framework for cost computation for LLM