Migrating a WordPress website to KreateWebsites


Migrating a WordPress website to KREATE-WEBSITES involves several steps:


  1. Evaluate Your Site: Before diving in, assess your WordPress site's complexity. If it's a simple website with blog posts and pages, migration is easier. Complex sites with custom plugins or functionalities might require extra effort or professional help.
  2. Choose a KreateWebsites Plan: KreateWebsites offers various plans with different features. Consider your website's needs when selecting a plan.

Building on KreateWebsites:

  1. Set Up Your KreateWebsites Account: Create a KreateWebsites account and choose a template that aligns with your website's style and purpose. Remember, KreateWebsites templates are suitable for publishing content at scale and build light weight pages than variety of functionality, Once you set up, you can publish lot more.

Migration Process:

  1. Export Your WordPress Content: You'll need to export your content from WordPress. This includes blog posts, pages, and images. The process involves creating an XML file using a plugin or the WordPress export tool.
  2. Import Content into KreateWebsites: KreateWebsites offers a tool to import content from WordPress. You can upload this XML and content into google drive or bucket and KreateWebsites support team will import this for you. Log in to your KreateWebsites dashboard, navigate to the import section, and choose the WordPress XML file you created. KreateWebsites tool will import your posts and pages, but you might need to adjust formatting or layout. This is where KreateWebsite team do this for you

Post-Migration Tasks:

  1. Menus and Navigation: Rebuild your website's menu structure on KreateWebsites to mirror your WordPress site for a smooth user experience.
  2. Media Files: While KreateWebsites imports some images during the content import, you might need to upload additional media files manually. Ensure file names are consistent for proper linking.
  3. SEO (Search Engine Optimization): KreateWebsites offers SEO tools, but you'll likely need to optimize your website for search engines after migration. This might involve setting up redirects for old URLs and optimizing page content. It is possible to create exact same urls. Contact the KreateWebsite support team and they will guide you
  4. Testing and Launch: Thoroughly test your new Kreate website to ensure everything functions correctly. Once satisfied, launch your new website!

Additional Considerations:

  • Plugins and Functionality: Kreatewebsites is design to build light weight pages that can be easily migrated, maintained without developer. On other hand WordPres. Kreatewebsites can do most of things but in simpler way doesn't offer the same level of plugin functionality as WordPress. If your WordPress site relies heavily on plugins, you might need to find consider better ways to do things in KreateWebsites.
  • Domain Name: You can connect your existing domain name to your KreateWebsite website. KreateWebsite support team will guide you through this process during setup. There are easy instructions too - you wil be given a cname and you can point your domain to cname

Remember, migrating a website requires effort and planning. For most of blogs, informational site KreateWebsites is better option. If you need to publish lot of content Kreatewebsites have unmatched features.


Kreate Websites

Generate websites and visualization

Get a website that's not just visually stunning, but also strategically optimized for search engines and conversions. No more design roadblocks – the AI handles the heavy lifting, freeing you to focus on your core strengths.

User Bliss

Beyong buzzword, delight users

Forget generic SEO tactics. Kreatewebsite understands that a great website bridges the gap between search engines and your audience's desires. Every element is crafted to drive meaningful connections.

Kreate Data Products

Website is your Data Product.

Ditch the stagnant website rut. Kreatewebsite's AI lets you refresh your content daily, keeping your message vibrant and engaging without the technical burdens of a traditional dynamic site. Focus on building data.

Freshness Factor

Daily updates without the static site blues:

Ditch the stagnant website rut. Kreatewebsite's AI lets you refresh your content daily, keeping your message vibrant and engaging without the technical burdens of a traditional dynamic site.

SEO and Content connection

SEO that sparkles, content that captivates

Craft captivating content that search engines crave and users connect with. Kreatewebsite isn't just about initial ranking, it's about ongoing engagement and conversion

Be an Artist

Content is king, AI is the artist

Simply upload your text, images, and videos. The AI design engine works its magic, crafting a visually stunning and user-friendly website that reflects your brand and resonates with your audience.

No need to drag-drop

Ditch the drag-and-drop drudgery

Elevate your online presence beyond basic website builders. Embrace the power of generative AI, a futuristic approach that breathes life into your vision

Use existing Content without drag drop

Transform existing content into web wonders

Don't start from scratch! Breathe new life into your presentations, PDFs, and even LinkedIn pages. Kreatewebsite seamlessly converts them into interactive webpages


Pre Built Capabilities

  • Capability deployed in production
  • Choose AI-powered design.
  • Use pre built template and refine with your promot instructions.
  • Generate website from slides, pdf and linkedin pages etc
  • Upload content and let AI do the design magic.
  • Unleash the power of generative AI for unique websites.
  • Rank high, resonate deep: Craft content that search engines love and users adore.
  • User-centric SEO: We build bridges between search engines and user desires.
  • Dynamic content that refresh daily at the cost of static site.
  • Leverage pre-built templates or create your own unique designs.
  • Fractional CTO

    Startup and enterprise who wish to build their own Website generator, AI Asssitant can hire expertise to build

  • Conversation Agent Experise
  • LLM - OpenAI, Gemini
  • Vector DB and RAG
  • FienTuning LLM
  • Cloud - AWS, GCP,Azure
  • Customization Team

    Choose a partner with deep experience in delivering website, LLm based chatbot and A/B Testingt

    Hire experts who have built kreatebots Stock, Finance AI assitant, real estate AI Agent, chatbot for travel

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